Didges Christ Superdrum in Cape Coral: Didges Christ Superdrum en Cape Coral
When you want out of this world experience, Didges Christ Superdrum is the band to see. They have so many things to overwhelm the senses, it’s hard to keep track of where to look. From their over the top alien outfits, to the blacklight reflective paints, that is enough to get your attention, but when you start adding fire dancing to the mix, people’s eyes really get wide. Cuando quieres una experiencia fuera de este mundo, Didges Christ Superdrum es la banda para ver. Tienen tantas cosas que abruman los sentidos que es difícil hacer un seguimiento de dónde buscar. Desde sus trajes alienígenas, hasta las pinturas reflectantes de luz negra, eso es suficiente para llamar tu atención, pero cuando empiezas a añadir el baile de fuego a la mezcla, los ojos de la gente realmente se abren. This is a band that has been around for more than 10 years, with seasoned members from a multitude of projects that provide more than just a little talent. Though they have more than a few originals, they al...